Shannon's Land

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mountain Biking at Cape Mears

Yet another successful mountain biking adventure. This spring we went up to Tillamook and followed Hwy 131 around the cape, starting in Tillamook, then venturing up to the top of the cape, around to Cape Mears Park, in to Ocean City (for a wondering dinner at Roseanne's cafe), and then out to Netarts and around 131 and back in to Tillamook.

This wasn't exactly a "mountain" biking experience, as the road was mostly paved (except for the short diversion out to the end of the spit, which in the early 1900's was destined to be the next Atlantic City, until all of the homes washed out to sea.

We left Monmout at 10:00 and made it in to Tillamook by 12:30 or so, and were on the road by 1:00. With the two side trips, we were still in Ocean City by 5:00, and back to the car parked at the Safeway in Tillamook by 6:30 or so. By 7:00 we were on our way home, with a short detour to the Air Museum, which was closed for the day - the HUGE building (worlds tallest wooden structure) is incredibly impressive, especially against the backdrop of the coastal range and dairy farms. We were home by 9:00. It wasn't nearly the epic journey of June, 2008, but still a great ride. It was nice to have my two oldest daughters and my newphew aloong for the trip.

Happy days!
