Shannon's Land

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Vacation is over

To my vast worldwide audience,

We just got back from vacation on Tuesday. We had a nice time in Idaho - eating, swimming, visiting with the cousins, neices, nephews and mom and dad. The property is so beautiful and it is relaxing to be out where cell phones do not work and the only phone communication with the outside world is through the satellite dish - which works only inbound with the IP telephone (vonage). It was almost like a mediteranean cruise, with the construction work to keep me busy :-). The boys had a great time with their cousins, and the girls all enjoyed the same with their girl cousins. It was different this year, being surrounded by growing high school boys. They are so weird. I am sure that my brothers and I were never like that! For me, it was just really nice to clear my head of work for a few days.

At the end of June we also celebrated Allisons graduation. Friends and family joined us to wish Allison well as she closes the door to high school and moves on the college life. She is a special girl. Check out her blog.

In the weeks following we had friends in from the Sacramento area. It was great to see them, and we enjoyed time together before and after their vacation to the Oregon coast.

The housing is moving along, with the foundation poured, floor joists in, initial plumbing in and driveway bulldozed. I wish that I had pictures. My wife has some of the latest on her blog.

That's pretty much the news for now. The problem with waiting so long between posts is that so much gets lost in the intervening weeks!